Chercheure Associée

Université Côte d’Azur

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Discipline : Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication



Matina Magkou est chercheuse post-doc contractuelle [Creative Hubs 3.0 et Tiers Lieux Culturels, 2021-2023, ANR-15-IDEX-01, UCA-JEDI, Action 6.2 AAP post-doc attractivité Jeunes Equipes, 2021- 2023]. Ses thèmes de recherche sont les politiques culturelles et la coopération culturelle, les industries culturelles et créatives. Elle este Docteure en Sciences du Loisir, Culture et Communication (Université de Deusto, Bilbao, Espagne) et elle a un master en Études Européennes (Université de Louvain, Belgique) et un master en Gestion, Communication et Politiques Culturelles (Université Pantheon).



Revues :

  • MAGKOU, Matina, PROTONOTARIOU, Katerina, ILIOPOULOU, Eirini, Site-specific artistic practices as potential ways of urban co-existence and intercultural communication. Comunicazioni Sociali. Journal of Media, Performing Arts and Cultural Studies, 2022, vol. 1
  • MAGKOU, Matina, Le project euro-méditerranéen, mobilité artistique et productions discursives du dialogue interculturel, SEMEN, 2022 (à paraître)
  • MAGKOU, Matina, PÉLISSIER, Maud, « Being together, doing together and going forward together- echoes from France’s cultural third places in times of Covid-19 ». Extraprensa, n° 14, vol. 2, 2021, pp.327-343
  • MAGKOU, Matina « Communicating the needs of a sector in times of crisis : European cultural networks, advocacy and forward-looking cultural policies », European Journal of Cultural Management and Policy, vol. 11, issue 1, 2021, pp. 31-44
  • MAGKOU, Matina, LAMBERT, « La reinvention de la communication des tiers lieux culturels durant et après le Covid-19: un nouveau paradigm d’engagement des publics? ». ESSACHESS- Journal for Communication Studies, volume 14, issue 2(2), pp. 81-99
  • IMPERIALE, Francesca, FASIELLO, R., MAGKOU, Matina, De Matteis, C. Cultural and Creative Industries in pandemic times: preliminary understandings, Economia, Aziende e Sviluppo, special issue, 5-20, Cacussi Editore (ISSN 19711964)
  • CHATZIEFSTATHIOU, Dikaia, ILIOPOULOU, Eirini, MAGKOU, Matina, « UrbanDig Project: Sport practices and artistic interventions for co-creating urban space », Sport in Society, special issue Arts and Sports intersections- cultures, commerce, media politics, 22 :5, pp. 871-884 Arts and Sports


Chapitres d’ouvrage :

  • STEINKAMP, Anna, MAGKOU Matina (2022). The 2005 UNESCO Convention as an instrument for international cooperation: the example of networks of cultural cooperation. “15 years of the UNESCO Diversity of Cultural Expressions Convention: Actors, Processes and Impact”. Bloomsbury Professional Hart Publishing (à paraître)
  • KOLOKYTHA, Olga, MAGKOU, Matina, Belinskaya, Yuilia (2022). Theatre censorship post-1989. A discussion of three examples from the Greek theatre production. In Etienne, A., Megson, C.  (eds) Theater Censorship in Contemporary Europe, Exeter: University of Exeter Publications.
  • MAGKOU, Matina, LAURA, Huret, LAMBERT, Vincent. Community-driven cultural spaces and the Covid-19 pandemic, VECCO, Marilena, DI MOLLI, Federica (eds) The metamorphosis of cultural and creative organizations- exploring change from a spatial perspective, Routledge
  • MAGKOU, Matina (2021). Cities and cultural diplomacy: the case of Athens. In Kizlari, D. and Shehade, M. (eds). Greek cultural diplomacy: current approaches-future challenges, Athens: Epikentro (in Greek).
  • LANDABIDEA, Xavier, ORTEGA, Cristina, MAGKOU, Matina (2015). Still moving and learning? Questioning previous and further research. In Bashiron Mendolicchio, H. and Huleileh, S. (eds). The Challenges of Mobility. Research, Debates and Practices. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: London.
  • MAGKOU, Matina (2012). Geographies of artistic mobility for the formation and confirmation of European cultural citizenship. In Austen, S., Bishop, Z., Deventer, K., Lala, R., Martín Ramos, M-A. (ed), The cultural component of citizenship: an inventory of challenges. Brussels: Access to Culture Platform Working Group on Audience Participation/European House of Culture


Communication dans des colloques/congrès :

  • MAGKOU, Matina, PÉLISSIER, Nicolas, POLI, Karina. Diversité, création et industries culturelles-les Creative Hubs au coeur des politiques publiques au XXV colloque franco-roumain en SIC, Iasi 26-28 mai 2022
  • MAGKOU, Matina PÉLISSIER, N., POULY, R. (Université Côte d’Azur) – D’un réseau de revues culturelles vers une configuration en tiers-lieu? Eurozine, une étude de cas, Colloque Presse Culturelle, Paris 9-10 mai 2022
  • MAGKOU, Matina: Mobilizing a Network of Actors to Communicate on a Common Challenge: The Case of STARTS4Water, International Communication Association pre-conference , The Science of Science Communication, Sorbonne University, TU Dresden, the ICA Environmental Communication Division, and the Science Communication division of the German Communication Association, Paris 25 mai 2022
  • PÉLISSIER, Maud, MAGKOU, Matina, DESCHAMP, Gaëlle, POLI, Karina, « La notion des tiers lieux culturels hors des frontières francaises : quelle pertinence ? quels enseignements ? »,  Tiers- Lieux Culturels, Regards croisés entre chercheurs, professionnels et artistes, CREAMED et Université de Toulon, 17-18 mars 2022
  • MAGKOU, Matina, BEGUIN, Camille., PÈLISSIER, Nicolas, KAMINSKA, Renata, « Le 109 change de peau : transformation d’un tiers-lieux culturel niçois », Tiers- Lieux Culturels, Regards croisés entre chercheurs, professionnels et artistes, CREAMED et Université de Toulon, 17-18 mars 2022
  • MAGKOU, Matina, TSENE, Leda, « Digital transformation and small cultural organisations : the case of Comicdom Press and Ohi Pezoume », 5th Conference on Cultural and Creative Industries, Panteion University, Athènes, 15-16 octobre 2021
  • MAGKOU, Matina, « Unpacking fairness in international cultural relations and communication », Creativity and Innovation in Theatre, Media and Cultural Production : visions and values for the future, University of Arts, Belgrade, 17-19 novembre 2021
  • PROTONOTARIOU, Katerina, PAPAGEORGIOU, Fanis, MAGKOU, Matina, « Omonia : a place of urban co-existence, artistic expresson and participatory action », Participatory Design : city, environment and climate change- experiences, challenges, potentials, Athènes, 19-21 novembre 2021
  • MAGKOU, Matina, KOLOKYTHA, Olga, « Getting on like a house on fire : Theatre censorship and conditions of crisis in Greece post-2020 », Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures, 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association, 31 aout- 1 septembre 2021